Leadership Team Coaching

Strategy and Execution Alignment


Is your company consistently and sustainably meeting its objectives? Does the leadership work together as a team, putting aside individual agendas in order to benefit the team?  Is the leadership aligned around the most important priorities in the company? Leadership Team Coaching and Advisory Work pulls together all the elements of alignment and execution into a disciplined continuous improvement process.


Leadership Team Alignment Meetings are designed with the goals of the CEO and Leadership Team in mind. We review progress toward achieving strategic priorities and outcomes based on the scorecard metrics, address key issues and opportunities, and set team priorities for the next period. The frequency of these meetings depends on the growth rate or pace of change in the organization. Quarterly meetings are the baseline, but faster growing or changing organizations often need monthly meetings.


One-to-one meetings with the CEO are conducted in person or virtually between leadership team alignment meetings to follow-up on key issues and opportunities or to assist on implementation of the team alignment and strategy execution disciplines.