There is a lot to be excited about. Vaccines, improved treatments, and a renewed sense of direction have many business leaders finally comfortable look further ahead than the next five minutes. Still, a lot of uncertainty remains; here’s how to move forward when the path isn’t clear. 

For over a year, we’ve taken business and leadership minute-by-minute, challenge-by-challenge. There are still many important hurdles that are affecting operations in every industry, many caused by the detritus of the very worst of the pandemic over the winter months. Hiring is still a massive impediment to getting back to full speed, while supply chains, shipping disruptions, and the worrisome trends of rising cases in the US and shutdowns in Europe giving us all the chilling reminder that this isn’t over yet. 

Still, we are at a point where leaders can spare some time and energy into thinking further ahead than next week. Now is the time to dig out that notebook full of ideas or the scribbled-on napkins from late night meetings back in the days that were in-person and possibly even taken over a meal. 

Even established businesses to think of the next twelve months like an entrepreneur. Just as the onset of the pandemic reshaped our businesses and way of life, the next phase will be equally dynamic. The difference is that, this time, we can do a lot to control our attitudes, our moves, and the direction things take. 

No Regrets. When history writes about business in the ashes of COVID-19, they’re going to tell stories of businesses that tried something different. In thirty years, don’t regret what you didn’t try in one of the most pivotal times of the past one hundred years. 

Find The Best People. Some companies hire the biggest names with the most talent, but lack the environment to keep them engaged, challenged, and developing. Never forget that the most important asset of any company is its people. It’s not just about compensation, either. Make sure part of your team’s time is spent exploring things they enjoy and want to learn more about, and always provide educational resources for those looking to expand what they do when it pertains to their role or industry. 

Leap Frog. Don’t just think ahead; think five moves ahead. We sometimes call this “If, Then” thinking: if we do this, then we do that next. This is especially important when investing in capital or new operations and the key is to continue to build on what you have as you go to ensure you’re never stuck. 

Thinking like a doe-eyed start-up can be a great way to reimagine and reinvigorate what you do every single day. However, if you’re at a bigger organization, bring your people with you. Encourage them to think the same way, and use the people around you to create better ideas, better systems, and stronger sense of what comes next to combat the uncertainty that reigns outside your four walls. 

What’s your next move? If you’re working on a new idea, let us know how it took shape and what motivated you! Contact us at