“Leadership is providing inspiration and vision, then developing and empowering others to achieve this vision.” ~ Marshall Goldsmith, Business Guru

To ‘bounce forward’ out from this crisis, it will take everyone working together and having an ownership mindset to achieve your vision. Moving from idea to vision to action to success requires a team effort and empowered people.  It is a catchphrase these days to preach ‘empowerment’—it sounds easy, but what does it actually take to empower others.  We know that it is not just saying “Just Do It”.  It goes beyond telling someone they are empowered; it comes down to instilling in others the confidence to know they can do it.  More importantly, it comes down to you as a leader trusting that others can do the job and that it’s not all on your shoulders.  Your job as a leader is to see in your employees the talents and skills that they themselves cannot see and support them in realizing their potential. There are a few things that will help you get there:

  1. Stop thinking you have all the answers and start focusing on having all the questions.  What this really means is that you need more than ever to help others by being curious about their ideas and then listen.  In times like these, people are still dealing with a lot of fear and uncertainty.  Stepping away from your own fear and helping others find their own solutions is a sure-fire way to build their confidence.  If you ask someone what their solution is and they say, “I don’t know”, just ask “what if you did know?” and then wait.  People are wiser and smarter than you think they are.
  2. Instill an Ownership Mindset. Often, we can all get lazy and think—well, someone else is figuring this out and I’ll just wait for their answer.  Building success comes from everyone thinking like an owner and that means you need to define what they own and let them know they are accountable for the results.  Folks step up when they have pride of ownership—they can rise to the challenge.  We need that now more than ever!
  3. Inspire Others to Act.  As a leader, you have to be a visionary and a preacher because if you are not, no one else will have the confidence to act.  You have to let your organization know the direction you’re heading.  This is a time for over-communication.  Do not assume that others know where the company is headed.  Town halls 1x/quarter will not do the job.  This is a time to over-communicate clarity about where the organization is going and why.
  4. Treat People Well.  Life is hard right now for everyone.  Folks are managing multiple things, adapting to big life changes, working harder, and often for less pay.  Now is a time where leaders should be great listeners and coaches.  Sometimes it is important to call and touch base JUST to let someone know you care.  This may sound like a Hallmark card, but it is really important.  Time to be human and treat others with respect.  Who doesn’t feel empowered by that?

Ready to get started? Let’s talk.