Ben Anderson-Ray
Ben works with fellow CEOs on leading their organization as an aligned team. He does this based on his experience and leadership capability developed as a CEO in mid-market companies and as an executive in larger corporations. By helping leaders work better as a team, align around strategic priorities and drive execution, he helps them improve their performance as a team and as an organization. Ben works primarily with leaders of mid-market companies and larger non-profit organizations in a wide range of industry sectors.
Ben’s experience draws from diverse career in leading growth-oriented companies, managing turnarounds, and as an investor and board member. He served as the CEO of three mid-market manufacturing companies in B2B and B2C businesses. Earlier in his career he was an executive in three multinational corporations: GE, Rubbermaid and Sunrise Medical. Today he serves on the board of both public and private companies and is the chair of a national non-profit organization. His education has been in Marketing, Strategic Planning and Leadership including an MBA from the University of Michigan and continuing education at Harvard Business School.
Ben is based in Middlebury, Vermont. Contact Ben at 802-349-2828 or ben@trinitasadvisors.com.